Tactic A1.3 | Visit Sedona

Tactic A1.3

Sustainability Program

Expand the Sustainability Alliance Business Certification program by creating a promotional program for participating businesses.

The Sustainability Alliance is a coalition of Verde Valley nonprofits moving the region toward sustainability. They coordinate a Sustainable Business Certification program in Sedona and the region.

SCC&TB will work with the Alliance to develop materials that encourage visitors to support businesses that demonstrate sustainability by achieving Bronze, Silver, and Gold Alliance certifications. By providing businesses exposure and marketing incentives to participate, these efforts will educate businesses on ways to embrace sustainability and connect with visitors.


TIMEFRAME Short-term (12-18 months)

LEAD PARTNER Sustainability Alliance

SUPPORTING PARTNERS SCC&TB, Sedona Businesses, Sedona Lodging Council


1.  Number of businesses actively certified- TARGET = 105 / STATUS = 103


Sustainability Alliance Business Certification Expansion

Expand the Sustainability Alliance Business Certification program by creating a promotional program for participating businesses.


FY22  Two new businesses have certification in the last quarter, and the Sustainability Alliance is restructuring program administration to achieve even broader engagement across the Verde Valley.  Although applications for new certifications have slowed in FY22 as businesses deal with staffing shortages and ongoing COVID recovery, the total number of certified sustainable businesses and organizations has risen to 110. 
In FY22, many businesses are required to recertify, and although this indicates an ongoing commitment to sustainable business practices, recertifications do not count as new certifications. Since certification began, 11 certified businesses have either closed or moved out of the area.
Related: Durango CO is considering purchasing the Sustainability Alliance business certification program, an affirmation of the program’s quality.

FY21: During COVID’s disruption, the Sustainability Alliance Business Certification Program lost approximately 10% of its certified businesses. However, since November 2020, the number has once again exceeded 100, standing at 104 as of March 2021, 59% of which are in Sedona. In early 2021, certification is growing at the rate of 1-2 per month.
Business certification slowed in the second quarter, and it is possible the maximum number of “early adopters” has been achieved. A publicity campaign to motivate businesses to be part of an “early majority” is being considered by the Sustainability Alliance to keep the momentum going.
The SCC&TB promoted the Sustainable Businesses Certification Program throughout the year, including it in its October 2020 Media Roundup, distributed to hundreds of national media outlets. In November, the SCC&TB added the program to its business newsletter, distributed to more than 850 SCC&TB partners, and promoted certified-sustainable businesses on the new Green Travel blog and tab https://visitsedona.com/about-us/green-travel/  
The SCC&TB again promoted media coverage nationally in the March Media Roundup sent to 890 media contacts. The Roundup achieved  a 30.9 % open rate and 10.9 % click rate. The newsletter included a link to a list of all certified sustainable businesses in the area. As of March 2021, the Business Certification Program and participating businesses have earned more 300 media mentions, gaining public recognition, and adding value for the participants.
The SCC&TB posts all Sustainability Alliance certified-sustainable businesses on the SedonaChamber.com blog and if they are a partner, shares the blog on social media platforms and in the Local e-News.
A Red Rock News ad on April 16, 21 ran as follows:  
Sustainable Certification - Get Certified. Get Recognized! If you are doing the most for the community, employees and the environment, get certified. It is FREE! Email Lisa Voss at Lisa@sustainabilityallianceaz.org.
The following SCC&TB partners were certified or upgraded in calendar 2020: Authentus Group, Sedona Cedars Resort, Sedona Mountain Bike Academy, Sky Ranch Lodge, City of Sedona. Upgrade: Loo Loos, Sedona Community Food Bank, Friends of the Verde River, Smart Window Creations, Chocolita, Healthy World Sedona (upgrade), Junipine Resort (August 11, 2020), Pink Jeep Tours, Element Hotel, Verde Valley School.

FY20: The Sustainability Alliance released a new version of certification with four levels. FY20 saw the Alliance begin requiring re-certifications every 3 years to assure certified businesses are following most current practices. Many enterprises recertified at a higher level, including the City of Sedona, now Silver. The Sedona SCC&TB collaborated with the Sustainability Alliance to create new graphics to promote the program and its new certification levels.
In March, the US Forest Service sponsored an informational meeting to permitted outfitter/guides interested in becoming certified sustainable businesses.
The SCC&TB and Alliance worked together to publish four sustainable business tips per month in the SCC&TB Partner e-Newsletter, and to post one Consumer Tip in each monthly Local e-Newsletter. The Alliance promoted certified businesses on their blog and social media.
The Alliance identified entrants for the Sustainable Entrepreneur Award as part of Verde Valley Regional Economic Organization’s (VVREO) Pioneer Pitch program and collaborated with VVREO to create a Sustainable Entrepreneur Award as part of Pioneer Pitch.
The Alliance nominated certified businesses for the Keep Sedona Beautiful sustainability awards.
The Alliance created rack cards and posters for the SCC&TB Visitor Center in Uptown.