The VUE in Sedona

The VUE in Sedona

Sedona, Arizona, renowned for its breathtaking red rock landscapes and spiritual vortexes, offers a one-of-a-kind ultrarunning event: The VUE (Vortex Ultra Experience). This annual event, held on the third Saturday in April, combines the thrill of ultrarunning with the serene, mystical atmosphere that Sedona is famous for.

Pre-Race Activities: Immersing in Sedona’s Community Spirit

The VUE is not just a race; it’s an experience that begins well before the start line. Early arrivals are treated to a community-based “beer run” at the Sedona Beer Company Basecamp on the Thursday preceding the race. This casual run offers participants a chance to mingle with fellow runners and locals, creating a warm and welcoming atmosphere.

Friday’s bib pickup is followed by a shakeout run and an opening ceremony featuring yoga stretches and a moment of intention. This unique preparation helps align runners’ bodies and minds, setting the tone for the race ahead.

Race Day: Embracing Sedona’s Majestic Trails

Race day starts early for the 50-mile participants, with runners embarking on a challenging journey across Sedona’s stunning yet technical trails. The course includes single-track paths, slickrock, and backcountry trails, showcasing the diverse and rugged beauty of Sedona’s landscape.

With fully stocked aid stations hosted by local Sedonians, the Sedona Red Rock Trail Fund, and the Wild Women Running group from Phoenix, runners are well-supported throughout the race. The aid stations offer not just fuel but also a taste of Sedona’s warm hospitality.

Achieving Personal Victories Amidst Natural Splendor

As the day progresses, some 50-milers choose to drop down to the 34-mile course, demonstrating the wisdom and resilience of seasoned ultrarunners. This flexibility allows participants to find their own way to victory, whether completing 50 miles or 34.

50-mile male winner, Craig Gillis from Portland, Oregon, set a new course record of 8:12:35, celebrating his achievement with his family at the finish line. Sedona local Gerardo Moceri took second place, while Sam Kemper from Huntington Beach, CA, rounded out the podium. In the women’s race, Alyson Kirk from Morrison, Colorado, also set a course record with a time of 10:22:56. Sedona’s own Emma Brant secured second place, and Yury Park from Los Angeles, California, finished third.

Join Trail Running Escapes Next Year

Congratulations to all the runners in the 4-mile, 12-mile, 21-mile, and ultra-distances who participated on April 20, 2024, for the Vortex Ultra Experience! Mark your calendars for next year’s event, April 19, 2025 and experience the magic of Sedona’s trails for yourself. If you are looking to sign up for an event before then, check out Trail Running Escapes calendar of events!