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Preparing for Ascension
Sedona is a world-renowned power spot that acts as a dynamic amplifier. Metaphysically inclined visitors take advantage of the spiritual...
The Benchmark of...
Since 2001 Mii amo has been recognized as a leader among destination spa and wellbeing resorts, for its programming, the caliber of...
Healing Harmonies: Explore...
The Resonance of Healing Sounds During your visit, one of the most enriching experiences you can enjoy is sound healing on the...
What is Reiki Energy?
As you leave the freeway and the landscape begins to shift, you feel a subtle change in the air. The towering red formations seem to...
Wild Thyme Restaurant...
Within the next few weeks, Wild Thyme will elevate its presence in Sedona with the launch of Costa by Roberto Madrid. Led by Chef...
5 Unique Paths to Healing...
These unforgettable memories that you can walk away with and cherish for the rest of your life include the following options: 1. A...
Experience the Vortex...
Renowned for its breathtaking beauty and spiritual significance, Cathedral Rock is not only a haven for hikers and nature enthusiasts...
Sedona Shopping: A Guide...
While its natural beauty and mystical aura draw many, the shopping scene in Sedona is a hidden gem worth exploring. Here are some...
Picking a Reader in Sedona?
Literally, you want to have your Colors Read, experience a Full Moon Drum Circle, attend a Yoga Retreat, Clear and Balance your Chakras,...
Empowerment in Sedona
Each year, millions of people from around the globe visit Sedona to be transformed by the potent energy of the vortices, while basking...
Transcend the ordinary and...
Events like the annual ILLUMINATE Film Festival are an integral part of the special Sedona experience. Now entering its 8th year, the...
In Search of Something...
It may be a group of best friends, a couple celebrating an anniversary or a solo traveler, and they may be in search of deepening their...