Experience Sedona’s Powerful Energy for Personal Transformation

Preparing for Ascension

The 21st century is poised for profound transformation. Ancient wisdom once safeguarded by secret societies is now accessible to individuals striving to improve themselves and the world around them.

Sedona is a world-renowned power spot that acts as a dynamic amplifier. Metaphysically inclined visitors take advantage of the spiritual energy to prepare themselves to be an even more effective meditator, lightworker, healer, teacher, etc.

Ascension is elevation. It could refer to graduation from college, being promoted at work, or as simple as going up a flight of stairs. In personal development, it is the raising of one’s vibration by releasing old energies and negative ways to become a better person, mate, parent, worker, friend.

Ascension energy can be defined as a powerful force that directly and immediately raises a person’s mind toward enlightenment, their body toward illumination, and their spirit toward oneness. 

The message is simple. Learn to relax deeply, expand your mind, open your heart and let the light of life pour into and through you. You will shine with a new light and feel more positive regardless of what events take place in life. Practice self-healing and meditation: you will become calm and spread serenity to others by your presence alone.

The energy and events in Sedona support personal transformation, which is the evolution of who you truly are. The sunshine reflecting off the red rocks offers a natural vitality, as does the depth of the dark night skies. Let this become the background for your personal adventure as you rise toward your true potential.

Enjoy personal services, retreats, hiking, or just sitting in the embrace of Sedona. Breathe deeply and imagine light pouring down from the sky into the top of your head. Tune in to your body and search for areas that feel heavy, dark and cold. Expel any compressed energy through the powers of your imagination.

To release blocks and fears, you could think of colored balloons that lift them into the sky, to the sun, into space… Relax the back of your neck and allow a soft, warm, golden-white energy to flow down into you and radiate from your heart. Then imagine a beautiful pink-gold light shining up from the earth… Enjoy the feeling of expansion… Your entire body is glowing…healed and empowered by universal love.

Ascension is about love, light and sharing. It is letting go of all that overshadows, or creeps in from lower frequencies, and rising into a more vibrant existence. Being free to relax and open your mind to connect to your true self and opening your heart to the world can help make this planet a better place. There is greater potential for transformation when investing in your personal development in a place like Sedona — a powerful land of dreams under the sun and stars.

Craig Junjulas offers Higher Self-Discovery sessions and seminars that combine intuitive counseling, metaphysical teachings, and empowering frequencies. These initiatory experiences can help you to enter higher states of consciousness and directly work with transformational energies that assist you with your personal growth and spiritual awakening.

Craig Junjulas - Higher Self Discovery

For more information, please contact: craig@higherselfdiscovery.com.

Office Phone: 928.282.8981  Mobile: 928-254-0017    Email: craig@higherselfdiscovery.com