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Do you crave deeper PURPOSE & MEANING in your life?

Introducing HEALtours with Donna Ballenger

‘HEALtours with Donna Ballenger’ is a brand new ALL-inclusive, week long Spiritual Retreat/Guided Tour of Sedona.  Daily Workshop, Lodging, Meals, & Transportation to Tour Destinations are ALL INCLUDED!

Hello my new friends, this is Donna Ballenger, and I'm very excited and humbled to introduce myself and my new business to you. I have spent the past 20+ years on a profound spiritual journey being opened to the wisdom of illness. After asking the question, “How may I serve?” this odyssey culminated with an ovarian cancer diagnosis. Three days later while in deep meditation, I received a message that would completely change my life; "This cancer isn't here to kill you.  It's here to save you."

I knew I was being presented with a miraculous, Divine opportunity to apply everything I had learned about healing to date.  Rather than 'fighting' the cancer, I deeply surrendered, receiving it with love and gratitude.  This was the key that unlocked its transformative, healing power.  The wisdom gained via the experience not only allowed a physical cure of the cancer, (I have been cancer free ever since), but more INcredibly awakened me to the true purpose and meaning of my life, healing and transforming every aspect of it.

A year later my healing abilities exponentially expanded, as the skill to communicate consciously with Spirit Guides & Angels opened within me.  Suddenly, I had access to a level of guidance that had previously been hidden behind a veil of fear.  My wisdom was gained via the experience of illness, but its principles applied universally to any challenge in life. I now had the unique ability to look at a person's life and explain the spiritual significance of any dynamic, bringing them newfound peace and understanding as well.  With profound gratitude, I watched people begin to HEAL. Soon after this, Sedona 'called' me and I spent 5 years creating my body of work, while immersing myself in the healing energy to ground and integrate this material fully into my life.  

I now come forth and offer you ‘HEALtours with Donna Ballenger,’ which is truly the culmination of my life's work.  A beautiful Spiritual Retreat where I will teach you everything I learned, so that you may also transform and heal any challenge in your life, while I guide you to the most amazing places Sedona has to offer!  I have created an incredibly unique experience, where the day's workshop theme will be interwoven and supported by the day's tour destinations.  Quite literally, I will teach you everything that healed me, and take you to all of my favorite places in Sedona that supported my healing.

But that’s not all!  HEALtours is designed to not only be an INcredible transformational experience, but also the most amazing Sedona vacation you’ll ever have!  I want you to relax and surrender, as I’ve taken care of all the logistics for you. While we awaken you to the true purpose and meaning of your life, and visit the most healing, gorgeous destinations in Sedona, you will also be enjoying a 7 night stay at the amazing Los Abrigados Resort & Spa, and dining at Sedona’s most delicious restaurants!  It’s ALL INCLUDED in your HEALtour! Each day will begin with a Workshop over breakfast, then on to lunch, our daily excursion, some down time to relax, and then finish with a delicious dinner where we’ll share INsights from the day’s theme.

Embarking on a HEALtour is truly a defining moment. You will know if it is the Divine Appointment you’ve been seeking if you feel an internal ‘call.’  You will have an inner ‘knowing’ that this is the answer to your prayer.  You are ready to S.O.A.R. – Spectacularly Open And Rise, to see your whole life from a higher perspective. You know it’s time to serve in a greater capacity, and it will be my honor to guide you through this experience with love every step of the way.  When you return home, you will immediately live as the optimal version of yourself; A Healing Instrument of Love in the life of every person in your world.  I will guide you, you will guide them, and together we will ALL HEAL.

HEALtours will run Oct. – May and are designed to be small, deeply immersive experiences, so are filling quickly. Please visit for full details and to book your HEALtour now. I may be reached for any questions at or (719) 660-6830.


We will begin our HEALtour as strangers, but leave as Soul Companions.
You will never walk alone again.
