May’s Flower Full Moon - Living Heaven as Earth - Visit Sedona Events Calendar

May’s Flower Full Moon - Living Heaven as Earth

This event has already finished but is here for your information

The energies of May's Flower Full Moon, center around the magic and beauty of manifesting the balance of heaven and earth within. These energies, like a guiding light, support healing the wounds of the physical body, mind, and persona, creating an inner environment that empowers the embodiment of one's healed heart to emerge. During this powerful evening, Ron and the healing Beings who work alongside him will immerse you in the frequencies of the realm of Divine Sentience.

  • Admission: $44.00
  • Time: 6:30 PM to 8:30 PM
Upcoming Dates For This Event:



Sedonya Conscious Living Center

  • 120 Deer Trail Dr. Sedona, Arizona
