HeatherAsh Amara Book Launch Party - Visit Sedona Events Calendar

HeatherAsh Amara Book Launch Party

This event has already finished but is here for your information

HeatherAsh Amara will present Wild, Willing, and Wise, a contemporary reimagining of the Maiden, Mother and Crone archetypes. This book is a revolutionary, interactive guide that playfully explores the energies that make up the flow of our lives. Come learn how to balance these three energies:  the creativity and abundance of Wild; the courage and power of Willing; and the gratitude and surrender of Wise.  

For $20 Advance Book Purchase:  https://wildwillingwise.com/wiwiwi-launch-party-Sedona/










  • Admission: Free Entry, Books are $25 at the event
  • Time: 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM
Upcoming Dates For This Event:



The Global Center for Christ Consciousness

  • 100 Northview Rd Sedona, Arizona
