Accelerated Hands-On Healing - Visit Sedona Events Calendar

Accelerated Hands-On Healing

This event has already finished but is here for your information

During these healing sessions, Ron channels into the room Divine love, truth, and healing energy specifically for the group. Ron will release blocks at the physical, emotional, psychological, and energetic levels. What you will receive:
•Guided healing immersions and heart-centered breath work
• Hands-on healing for everyone in attendance
•Whole Being Scans/Readings
• Open Q&A and Spirit lead insight from Ron and his guides
•Sound Healing through a backdrop of Alchemy Crystal Bowls

  • Admission: $44.00
  • Time: 6:00 PM to 7:30 PM
Upcoming Dates For This Event:



Sedonya Conscious Living Center

  • 120 Deer Trail Dr. SEDONA, Arizona
