Native American Itinerary
Explore the Native American history of Sedona.
Day 1:
1. Take a Jeep Tour to Native American Ruins
- Cliff Dwellings (Palatki, Honanki, etc.)
- Petroglyphs Sites
2. Schedule a Native American Experience
Day 2:
1. Take a Day Tour to Hopi Reservations
Day 3:
1. Take Sedona's Native American tour to Montezuma Castle and Well
2. Visit V-V Ranch Petroglyphs Site
3. Visit Native American Jewelry/Arts/Crafts/Culture Shops & Galleries
- Indian Jewelry
- Navajo Rugs
- Kachina Dolls
- Pottery
- Baskets
- Fetish
- Arts, etc.
Other Options:
- Tuzigoot National Monument
- Walnut Canyon National Monument
- Wupatki & Sunset Crater National Monument
- Fort Verde State Historic State Park
- Take a day tour to the Monument Valley